Week 6

Hey, everyone! Short post this week, as I only went in on Monday and took the rest of the week off for spring break.

I retrieved the plate that I had inoculated on Friday, which now had several bacterial colonies visibly growing. If you remember, these bacteria contained the one type of DNA which hadn't worked last week.

I amplified that DNA using PCR, which took up most of the day. I then ran what is hopefully the last-ever gel on the products and, to my relief, the results were successful!

Now that we finally had all the DNA we needed, I chose two colonies from each plate (based on previous gels) and cultured them. The last step will be to isolate the DNA and send it to another lab for sequencing, which will serve as the final confirmation.

See you next week!


  1. Do you feel like a professional now after doing all of this gel and PCR?

    1. Something along those lines, although I'm still "perfecting my technique" (i.e. making mistakes)

  2. "The last step will be to isolate the DNA and send it to another lab for sequencing, which will serve as the final confirmation."
    The final confirmation is these can be used to fight nicotine addictions right?

    1. Sorry, I should have clarified; the sequencing will be the final step of the cloning process.

      The final final confirmation will be the oocyte response (clinical addiction trials are far beyond our current situation)


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